Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PL of the Year

SSM of the Year

Each school year, one PL from each residence life area is selected as the Student Staff Member (SSM) of the year.

GT Res Life Banquet 2010-7.jpg
Eli & Hall Director Victoria Martin at the Staff Banquet
This year, the award goes to Armstrong Hall’s Eli Beeker!

Don’t forget to congratulate Eli next time you see him.

Great Staff

While Eli was excellent, the entire cast of 20(+2) PLs has been great his year.
Next time you see YOUR Peer Leader, make sure you thank them for all they’ve done this year.
Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Peer Leaders 1
Click the pictures to see larger versions.
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Cookout/Kickball/Tug-of-war Photos

Thanks to all of you who came to the cookout last Friday.

You can view the full gallery of photos taken for this event here.



Penguin PiƱata


Sitting around on the hill





View the full Hefty-Fit ‘n’ Strong gallery, over 1,000 photos here.

All images are licensed under a Creative Commons license. This means you are free to use as you’d like as long as you attribute them to their creator.
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