Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PL of the Year

SSM of the Year

Each school year, one PL from each residence life area is selected as the Student Staff Member (SSM) of the year.

GT Res Life Banquet 2010-7.jpg
Eli & Hall Director Victoria Martin at the Staff Banquet
This year, the award goes to Armstrong Hall’s Eli Beeker!

Don’t forget to congratulate Eli next time you see him.

Great Staff

While Eli was excellent, the entire cast of 20(+2) PLs has been great his year.
Next time you see YOUR Peer Leader, make sure you thank them for all they’ve done this year.
Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Peer Leaders 1
Click the pictures to see larger versions.
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Cookout/Kickball/Tug-of-war Photos

Thanks to all of you who came to the cookout last Friday.

You can view the full gallery of photos taken for this event here.



Penguin Piñata


Sitting around on the hill





View the full Hefty-Fit ‘n’ Strong gallery, over 1,000 photos here.

All images are licensed under a Creative Commons license. This means you are free to use as you’d like as long as you attribute them to their creator.
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Phase II Intramurals

HFA Spring Phase 2 Logo

Captains Needed for ALL Sports!

Phase II begins on the week of March 14.

In order to join the team all you have to do is * show up 15 minutes prior to the first game time.

*Some teams might have a practice prior to the first game. Check the facebook group for updates*

We NEED a captain for every sport. The captain’s responsibilities include:
  • Organizing practices, if applicable
  • Informing the team of schedule changes
  • Making sure we have enough people each game
If you’d like to be a captain contact Hector ASAP.

Your Phase II Sports Are:

4-on-4 Football

HFA 4-on-4 Football Logo

Time: Wednesdays @ 7pm *beginning March 17*

Location: SAC Field 1/2

Team Color: White (Numbers are required for all players)

Roster max: 10 players

Read the sport’s rules.

3-on-3 Basketball

HFA 3-on-3 Basketball Logo

Time: Wednesday (one Sunday) @ 6pm *beginning March 17*

Location: CRC 4th Floor Court 3

Team Color: Unsure. The website does not have any specific color posted. All wear BLACK for the first game UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE (Numbers are required for all players)

Roster max: 6 players

Read the sport’s rules.


HFA Softball Logo

(Both malesfemales are welcome to play)

Time: Sundays @ 5pm

Location: SAC Field, Field 1/4

Team Color: Not Applicable (Any color)

Roster minimum: 9 max: unknown (probably 20)

Read the sport’s rules.

Indoor Soccer

HFA Indoor Soccer Logo

(Both males & females are welcome to play)

Time: Sundays @ 4/5 pm

Location: CRC:Auxilliary Gym (4th floor blue court)

Team Color: Red (Numbers are required for all players)

Roster minimum: 4 to play, 5= full team. max: unknown (probably 10)

Read the sport’s rules.

Join the Facebook group of your sport of preference to keep you updated. Click the picture of your sport to go to the facebook group.
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Last Minute T-Shirt Designs (PLEASE VOTE)

Sorry for the late massage but... The HAF Exec Board has just received some really great submissions for the HFA T-shirt Design that we thought were worth sharing with you all!

We wanted to give you the opportunity to vote one of these options in as the new design.

Please view the images below and vote in the following poll!
To see the image larger just click it! Thank you!

New Shirt 1- The back side of this shirt includes the names of everyone, with the larger names being more common

New Shirt 2

New Shirt 3

New Shirt 4

New Shirt 5

Old Shirt 6

The winning shirt and price will be announced at the Hall Council Meeting on March 16. Money deadline may be extended until after spring break.


-Jasmine, Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Hall Council President
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Concert For Haiti @ The Burger Bowl

GT Jam For Haiti

For the second time this school year, Georgia Tech will be hosting a concert right in our backyard: The Burger Bowl.

Who: Georgia Tech Students and the Atlanta Community
What: A concert featuring 4 bands and 2 comedy groups.
Where: The Burger Bowl
When: Saturday March 13
Why: For the benefit of the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

For more info see the official website.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Co-op / Internship Information Session

Who: Students interested in co-oping or interning
What: Information session with a GT professional practice official and current co-oping students
Where: Hefner Learning Center (basement)
When: Thursday 25 February 6:30 PM
Why: To prepare yourself for a co-op or internship IN ORDER TO enrich your Résumé.
OR to get free Jimmy John's
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow comes to us in Atlanta

Notice: These pictures are best viewed in full-screen. Click on an image to view a larger version.View a slideshow comparing the HDRs with non-HDRs here.
Second 2010 Snowstorm If you live in the United (50) States chances are you’ve seen some snow by now. The AP reports Hawaii as the only state without snow so far. Unless you live in downtown Atlanta, you probably haven’t seen the beautiful white powder as it covers Georgia Tech’s campus:
GT on Crecine 1 HDR
GT Logo at Crecine Apartments
Burger Bowl Snow 1 HDR
The view of the Burger Bowl from my window as the snow came down.
GT Aerostar HDR
GT Logo on a snowed up vanSnow Close-up on leaves HDR
Close-up of the snow on the leavesPeople Building Snowman HDR
Students building a snowman on the Burger BowlArmstrong during snowfall HDR
The view from outside Armstrong HallGeorgia Tech Bookstore Van HDR
A Georgia Tech Bookstore van covered in snow 
View the entire gallery of 57 photos here.

Did you take any pictures during the snowstorm? Share yours in our comments section!

All images are licensed under a creative commons attribution license. Feel free to use them as you please as long as you attribute them to me (Hector Alejandro).
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super Bowl Party

Game Day

Who: You guys, the rest of Hefty-Fit ‘n’ Strong, and any of your distinguished guests
What: Super Bowl XLIIV Party
Where: Instructional Center (Room # 115)
When: 7 February 2010 Food begins @ 6:10 PM Kickoff @ 6:25 PM
Why: To watch the two best teams in the NFL go at it
How: Eating Pizza, Wings, and other snacks watching the game on a HUGE screen in the IC

Hall Council

 Your Hall Council & RHA (different things) is currently funding this program for us. Thank you to everyone who came out to the meeting and supported the bill.  


Our current spending budget is $250 in Pizza, $50 in Wings, $20 in Breadsticks, $30 in Chips and Drinks.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nicest room on West Campus

The following is a message from your Hall Director:

Hey hey hey!  Happy Thursday everyone.
  • Do you have the nicest room on west campus?
  • Are you willing to preview your space to future GT students?
 If you answered yes to both of these questions then I have a mission for you ....if you decide to accept it.

On Monday, February 8 from 2:15-4pm we will have future GT students visiting west campus to see the different living spaces.
I need five residents to volunteer to have their rooms shown.  If you are interested in participating in the tour, please contact me as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Victoria L. Martin
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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Intramurals go 2-1 for the day

Men's Basketball

Your Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Intramural Basketball team (2-0) is currently ranked #17 in the school. The team members are: HFA Co-rec Game 1 077

  • Chow, Christopher F
  • Ervin, Tyler H
  • Miller, Michael R
  • Rice, Joseph R
  • Schneider, Larry A
  • Shivanandan, John Patrick P
  • Tomassi, Keller A

The finished the second week of play with a win against “Full Woodies” 50-19 after beating “Armstrong” 42-23 last week.

They play Sundays at 4:00PM so come out and support them!

Co-Rec BasketballHFA Co-rec Game 1 027

The Co-rec team, behind the shooting of its girls, took a significant lead.

Lack of depth for the 3 women needed on the court lead to their exhaustion during the second half. Final score CCF 41 HFA 35.

We NEED more girls to come out!

Games are played Tuesdays at 10PM


Dodgeball is a co-rec sport and they are in need of players!

After starting out last week with a win by forfeit against the Knights of Towers, the HFA team faced a deep M6 (Maulding & 6th Street) team. The 5 (out of a max of 8) players from HFA won the first 2 games but dropped the following 3 to lose the match (best out of 5).

We are in need of players for this sport as well!

Games are Sundas at 3:00 PM.


Last week the team was a complete no-show. This week the opponent (Towers) was a no-show while we had 6 players on hand. There are still 4 spots open so if you’re interested come out Sundays at 7:00 PM.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2nd HC Meeting of 2010

Meeting Tonight
YOUR Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Hall Council will hold its 2nd meeting of the semester tonight at 8:30 in the Hefner Basement.

Show your School Spirit
This meeting is Georgia Tech themed. Come out in your best TECH gear and enjoy food , bills, and voicing your opinion.

Donate your Blood

See the image above
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Intramural Dodgeball & Wallyball start TODAY. Racquetball next week.

In order to join the team all you have to do is show up 10 minutes prior to the first game time.

Dodgeball (Both males & females are welcome to play)
Time: Sundays @ 3pm
Location: CRC 4th Floor Indoor Soccer Court (Blue Court)
Team Color: Royal Blue (Numbers are required for all players)

Team Captain: NEEDED! E-mail me if you're interested

Wallyball (Both males & females are welcome to play)
Time: Sundays @ 7pm
Location: CRC Racquetball Court #4 
Team Color: Not Applicable

Team Captain: NEEDED! E-mail me if you're interested

Racquetball (Both males & females are welcome to play)

Time: Tuesdays @ 8pm (Bye-Week until next week)
Location: CRC Racquetball Court #4 
Team Color: Not Applicable
Team Captain: NEEDED! E-mail me if you're interested

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Intramural Basketball Starts TODAY

In order to join the team all you have to do is show up 15 minutes prior to the first game time.

Men's Basketball
Time: Sundays @ 4pm
Location: CRC 4th Floor Court 3/6
Team Color: Purple (Numbers are required for all players)

Co-Rec (You can play for both a male/female team and the co-rec team)
Time: Tuesdays @ 10pm
Location: CRC 4th Floor Court 3/6
Team Color: Red (Numbers are required for all players)
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Hall Council Meeting of 2010

Dear Hefner, Armstrong, and Fitten (HAF) resident,

Our first Hall Council meeting of the year 2010 will be on Tuesday, January 19, 2010, at 8:30pm in the Hefner Basement.

I have attached the Agenda and the poster for this meeting.

Sincerely and always yours,
Arnaud D. Huguet
Secretary of HAF Hall Council
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Discovery Program Survey (takes 30 seconds)

Tech-a-pedia Flyer 3Last semester the Discovery program committee brought you Tech-a-pedia thanks to the results of the survey you participated in. 

This semester we’re once again letting you help us decide what kind of program to plan for the Hefty-Fit ‘n’ Strong area.

Please fill out this form, it takes 50 seconds of your time. We’ll let you know soon what kind of program you’ve decided to have. 
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Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Intramural Interest Signup Phases I & II

The CRC's intramural captain meeting will be tomorrow evening and I will be registering 1 housing team for each sport.

The sports for this phase (1) are:
The sports for the next phase (2) are:

If you are interested in playing either of these sports please fill out this form.

More information for each (phase 1) sport should be available by Thursdsay. Phase 2 sports don’t register until later on in the semester.

Updates will be posted first on the HFA website.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

PL/RA Info Session

The current Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Peer Leaders will be hosting an info session for current residents interested in becoming student staff members next year.

Who, What, Where, When, Why

All residents interested in becoming PLs or RAs
Information session where we can answer your questions about the job
Hefner Basement (Learning Center)
January 16 6:00 PM
Because we can prepare you for your interview assist you with your application, and help you find someone to write you a letter of recommendation.

We look forward to hearing about your interest!

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