Thursday, March 11, 2010

Last Minute T-Shirt Designs (PLEASE VOTE)

Sorry for the late massage but... The HAF Exec Board has just received some really great submissions for the HFA T-shirt Design that we thought were worth sharing with you all!

We wanted to give you the opportunity to vote one of these options in as the new design.

Please view the images below and vote in the following poll!
To see the image larger just click it! Thank you!

New Shirt 1- The back side of this shirt includes the names of everyone, with the larger names being more common

New Shirt 2

New Shirt 3

New Shirt 4

New Shirt 5

Old Shirt 6

The winning shirt and price will be announced at the Hall Council Meeting on March 16. Money deadline may be extended until after spring break.


-Jasmine, Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong Hall Council President


Unknown on March 11, 2010 at 9:53 AM said...

The T-Shirt with the names on the back (Shirt 1) includes the names of EVERYONE in Hefty-Fit 'n' Strong. The larger the name, the more common it is in our area!

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