Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Phase II Intramurals

HFA Spring Phase 2 Logo

Captains Needed for ALL Sports!

Phase II begins on the week of March 14.

In order to join the team all you have to do is * show up 15 minutes prior to the first game time.

*Some teams might have a practice prior to the first game. Check the facebook group for updates*

We NEED a captain for every sport. The captain’s responsibilities include:
  • Organizing practices, if applicable
  • Informing the team of schedule changes
  • Making sure we have enough people each game
If you’d like to be a captain contact Hector ASAP.

Your Phase II Sports Are:

4-on-4 Football

HFA 4-on-4 Football Logo

Time: Wednesdays @ 7pm *beginning March 17*

Location: SAC Field 1/2

Team Color: White (Numbers are required for all players)

Roster max: 10 players

Read the sport’s rules.

3-on-3 Basketball

HFA 3-on-3 Basketball Logo

Time: Wednesday (one Sunday) @ 6pm *beginning March 17*

Location: CRC 4th Floor Court 3

Team Color: Unsure. The website does not have any specific color posted. All wear BLACK for the first game UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE (Numbers are required for all players)

Roster max: 6 players

Read the sport’s rules.


HFA Softball Logo

(Both malesfemales are welcome to play)

Time: Sundays @ 5pm

Location: SAC Field, Field 1/4

Team Color: Not Applicable (Any color)

Roster minimum: 9 max: unknown (probably 20)

Read the sport’s rules.

Indoor Soccer

HFA Indoor Soccer Logo

(Both males & females are welcome to play)

Time: Sundays @ 4/5 pm

Location: CRC:Auxilliary Gym (4th floor blue court)

Team Color: Red (Numbers are required for all players)

Roster minimum: 4 to play, 5= full team. max: unknown (probably 10)

Read the sport’s rules.

Join the Facebook group of your sport of preference to keep you updated. Click the picture of your sport to go to the facebook group.


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